JavaSchool Perils

<1 min read

JavaSchool Perils

Joel has written an interesting article titled The Perils of JavaSchools.

While I don't disagree that the state of computer science education has gone down the tube. I really don't think that being able to learn pointer arithmetic is any indicator of someone's ability to become a good programmer.

Vital (and often complex) programming concepts can be learned using any modern language. The problem is that they are simply no longer being taught. Some people may argue they no longer need to be. I think that is just another excuse to lower the standard of education.

I've interviewed literally hundreds of programmers over the years, and have never been impressed by a great formal education on a resumé. A great programmer must be, first and foremost, flexible; capable of choosing the right language and tools for the task at hand. You may learn the mechanics in school, the rest only comes from experience and hard work.

What is Joel doing interviewing Java programmers? Isn't Fog Creek a Windows/Visual Basic-only shop?

More interesting comments on the subject via TSS and Javalobby.